Spirochetes are bacteria that have evolved a unique spiral shape and
rotational motility that is highly effective at moving through tissue
barriers, using their chemotactic sensors to locate nutrients and
employ toxin avoidance behaviors. Spirochetes are usually spread
by tick bites, and they are often accompanied by other associated
microbes that can make recovery especially challenging.
Microbial Balance and Spirochete Load
Cryptolepis root has many traditional applications and has been
variously used as an herb to support the immune system against
parasites and to maintain microbial and inflammatory balance.
Its main constituents are alkaloids, tannins and flavones.
Cryptolepis and its main alkaloid, cryptolepine, have shown
microbial balancing activity for inhibiting unwanted bacterial
organisms. Furthermore, cryptolepine has demonstrated
potent activity against spirochetes. In another study,
Cryptolepis showed strong activity against both growing and
non-growing stationary phase spirochetes.