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Protected: MC-BAB-3


* Vector-borne illness support

Cognease Detox


* Gentle detoxification for neurological issues

Protected: TOX-EASE II

  • Deep level of detoxification

Nutrient 950


Nutrient 950® provides a high profile of free radical scavenging antioxidants important for cardiovascular, immune, and cellular health. The vitamins and minerals in this formula also support various physiological functions, including nervous system health, bone health, nutrient and hormone metabolism, and glucose utilization.

IMD Intestinal Cleanse


• Binds mercury and other heavy metals in the intestines and escorts these harmful contaminants out of the body.

• Intercepts methylmercury and other metals trapped in enterohepatic circulation. Binds and removes intestinal heavy metals.

• Leads to lowering of blood mercury levels, allowing organ and tissue bound mercury safely to drain into the blood at a natural rate.

• Improves the body’s natural detoxification ability by quenching free radicals and stopping metal-catalyzed free- radical reactions which can lead to inflammation and cause down-regulation of detox transporters (Phase III transporters — OATs, cMOAT, MRPs, etc)

• Fortifies the link between the intestines and the immune system



May be a useful strategy to support cognitive abilities and decrease common age-related memory decline.


  • Liposomal delivery for immediate systemic absorption and bioavailability from the oral cavity.
  • Assists in the delivery of broad-spectrum botanicals to the central nervous system, a key benefit as nutritional support in Lyme disease or other microbial challenges outside the GI tract.
  • Researched for intracellular absorption of ingredients.
  • Enhances lymphatic circulation of therapeutic compounds.
  • Unilamellar vesicles encapsulating Biocidin® have an optimal particle size of 100 nanometers.
  • Research indicates potential in addressing biofilms and chronic/resistant cases of imbalanced terrain.
  • Includes botanicals to assist detoxification pathways and to address inflammation.

Probiotic 100 Max (30)

  • 30 capsules
  • Enhances Immune System Function
  • Maintains a Healthy Gut-Immune Barrier
  • Maintains Normal Inflammatory Balance
  • Supports Digestion and Micronutrient Absorption
  • Maintains Gastrointestinal Health

Cellular Multi (120)

  • 120 capsules
  • Recharges Cellular Energy Production
  • Supports Immune Function
  • Increases Antioxidant Protection
  • Supports Detoxification Capacity
  • Provides Key Micronutrients to Optimize Daily Nutritional Intake