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Broad Spectrum Binder


– Promotes cleansing and detoxification of the GI Tract
– Protects the intestinal lining
– Supports microbial balance
– Broad-spectrum binding capacity



Glycine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that supports relaxation and healthy stress management. It also enhances detoxification by increasing glutathione production.



Energy support.
Stress relief.

Activated Charcoal

  • Support for cleansing and detox
  • Digestive cleansing support

IMD Intestinal Cleanse


• Binds mercury and other heavy metals in the intestines and escorts these harmful contaminants out of the body.

• Intercepts methylmercury and other metals trapped in enterohepatic circulation. Binds and removes intestinal heavy metals.

• Leads to lowering of blood mercury levels, allowing organ and tissue bound mercury safely to drain into the blood at a natural rate.

• Improves the body’s natural detoxification ability by quenching free radicals and stopping metal-catalyzed free- radical reactions which can lead to inflammation and cause down-regulation of detox transporters (Phase III transporters — OATs, cMOAT, MRPs, etc)

• Fortifies the link between the intestines and the immune system



*Advanced Detoxification Support

Contains: Premier Calcium Bentonite Clay

Protected: TOX-EASE II

  • Deep level of detoxification