Showing all 4 results

SARS – Cov-2 Antibody Blood Test (164055)


Nasal swabs to diagnosis COVID are not reliable. The best way to KNOW if you truly had COVID is to test your immune system for the appropriate antibodies that prove you have protection from future exposures.
*Click here to purchase: Labcorp Test Interpretation

Total IgE (002170)


Order an individual lab test to assesses the level of immune response.
*Click here to purchase: Labcorp Test Interpretation

Green Pea Allergy Blood Test


Order an individual IgE food allergy test for Green Peas

*Click here to purchase:  Labcorp Test Interpretation

NASH FibroSure Blood Test (550960)


This lab assesses for presence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Reversible if caught early and clues you into the need to manage blood sugar and insulin resistance.

*Click here to purchase:  Labcorp Test Interpretation

** ALL labs are non-refundable