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Showing 1–12 of 626 results

Alzheimers Risk Assessment


* Test must be done FASTING
*Click here to purchase: Labcorp Test Interpretation

Longevity Panel – Assess Rate of Aging


Order your individual Longevity lab test to assess your rate of aging

*Click here to purchase:  Labcorp Test Interpretation

ATN Profile (48400)


Order an individual Amyloid-Tau-Neurodegeneration (ATN) profile blood test

*Click here to purchase:  Labcorp Test Interpretation

Genetics Panel


Order a bundled Genetics Panel blood test to look at select genes (Apo-E, MTHFR, Celiac)

*Click here to purchase:  Labcorp Test Interpretation

Metabolism Fix Program


The Metabolism Fix program is a comprehensive weight loss approach as it engages all aspects of lifestyle and integrative medicine to ensure long-term results as we identify the limiting factors that caused the weight gain.

Call for a free consult!
**See details below

N-Methylhistamine, Urine Test (144618)


Order an individual lab test for overall histamine production, if high it may appear in the urine.

*Click here to purchaseLabcorp Test Interpretation

N-Methlyhistamine Urine Test (830794)


Order an individual lab test for N-Methlyhistamine

*Click here to purchase:  Labcorp Test Interpretation