Showing 1–12 of 17 results

Absinthium 50ml


This formula is administered for:

  • acute and chronic gastric symptoms
  • acid reflux
  • heartburn
  • indigestion, colic (including infants)
  • lack of appetite
  • flatulence
  • post nasal drip

Betaine Plus 250 Cap



  • DIGESTION SUPPORT: Betaine Hydrochloride and pepsin (from porcine) aid in the proper digestion of proteins and food in the stomach.
  • INCREASE ABSORBABILITY: Gastric hydrochloric acid, a catalyst in the activation of pepsin from pepsinogen, also facilitates more soluble and absorbable divalent ferrous iron.
  • DIGESTIVE: Dietary supplement formulated to support G.I. health and its highly complex ecosystem.


  • support the lungs and lympathic system’s waste removal processes.
  •  support and strengthen kidney function.
  • stimulate the cleansing functions of the liver and colon.

BPC-157 Pure


Supports a healthy GI system

Colostrum Support

  • Provides Concentrated Immunoglobulins to Enhance Mucosal Immunity
  • Stimulates the Body’s Normal Gut Repair Mechanisms
  • Helps Maintain Microbial Balance

Curcumin Phytosome (formerly Meriva 500-SF)


Meriva 500-SF helps maintain a healthy inflammatory response throughout the body. Meriva is the most clinically studied curcumin on the market with 29x greater absorption than ordinary curcumin.



EnteroMend helps maintain a healthy inflammatory response in the GI tract, soothe the GI tract’s mucus membranes, and support colonic permeability and bowel regularity.



FiberMend is a blend of soluble fiber that helps maintain healthy glycemic control and promote regularity and optimal digestive function. It mixes easily in water or a preferred beverage.

Food Poisoning Detox


Aids in the relief of acute food poisoning and removal of toxin residue.

GI Benefits Powder


GI Benefits by DaVinci is the most advanced formula on the market today for optimal gastro intestinal health. It has been designed to support gut health, soothe the digestive tract lining, promote regularity, microbial balance and support proper immune function.

Gluten and Dairy Shield


• Promotes Healthy Gluten and Dairy Digestion
• Supports Gastrointestinal Comfort and Function
• Relieves Bloating or Gas due to Gluten and Dairy Consumption
• Targeted Enzyme Support for Food Sensitivities

IgG Pro

  • Provides Concentrated Immunoglobulins to Enhance Mucosal Immunity
  • Helps Maintain Microbial Balance
  • Supports GI Barrier Health and Integrity
  • Helps Maintain Normal Inflammatory Balance